Renew, Equip, Connect
1. Renew an emphasis on Corporate Prayer, Church Planting, and Congregational Revitalization.
2. Equip pastors, leaders, and churches to engage Corporate Prayer, Church Planting, and Congregational Revitalization.
3. Connect pastors, leaders, and churches to create a culture of Corporate Prayer, Church Planting, and Congregational Revitalization.
“To make Christlike disciples in the nations.”
Integrate continual training that equips pastors and leaders for prayer, planting, and renewal.
Invite every church to commit to helping plant a new church every 3-5 years.
Inspire every pastor and leader to participate in corporate prayer and church planting.
Invest in bringing pastors to the district to plant new churches and revitalize congregations.
Initiate an Acts 2 movement of churches that plant churches that plant churches.

MISSIONThe Mission is grounded in the Great Commission The Mission is ordered by the Church of the Nazarene The Mission is the call of Christ: Go (Evangelize); Baptize (Reach); Disciple (Teach) The Mission answers: “What are we doing?”
VALUESChristian: Jesus is Lord Holiness: Loving God and Neighbor Missional: Sent and Empowered The Values are foundational The Values answer: “Why are we doing it?”
STRATEGYCorporate Prayer Church Planting Congregational Revitalization The Strategy answers: “How are we doing it?”
METRICTransformation: Are lives being changed? Discipleship: Are people growing in their commitment? Participation: Are people joining the cause? Investment: Are people investing in the charge? Growth: Are people joining the church? The Metric answers: “When are we successful?”
VISIONThe Vision provides structure The Vision consolidates the charge The Vision creates culture The Vision answers: “Where is God taking us?”
Every leader learns to speak the language of Renewing, Equipping, and Connecting
Create a culture of corporate prayer, church planting, and congregational revitalization
Encourage healthy churches to strengthen mother churches and district planting efforts
New Church Plant Multiplication:
60 new churches in 5 years (Kentucky District)
130 new churches in 10 years (plant a new district)
200 new churches in 20 years (two new districts)
Establish a total of three districts by 2035